Muslim Ban

Two Ways We Can and Must RESIST

Two Ways We Can and Must RESIST

So, yes my friends, feel free to protest at every turn the most damaging leader the world has seen in some time. But I hope we can start figuring out which protests are going to have impact and leave behind the protests that are designed to make ourselves or groups like evangelicals just feel good. 

The Politics of Persecution

The Politics of Persecution

If donald trump wants to care for Syrian Christian refugees then there is much he can do to expedite those processes of letting more refugees in. But he does not care about Christian refugees. He does not care about Christians and he does not care about refugees. He is using Christian refugees as a means of demonizing Muslims and elevating mindless nativism and the baseless fear of refugees.

trump is Hurting People

trump is Hurting People

We have been told what to expect with a trump presidency and it is here. Are we ready? Are you ready to take action to stop a man who is bent on hurting people? This is our chance. Let’s take advantage of it and get to work. People are counting on us.