White Privilege

Confessions of a Deserter

Confessions of a Deserter

I have watched all of what is happening in the United Methodist Church from the safe confines of the sidelines and I have felt deeply troubled. I was troubled not only for the deep pain that continues to be inflicted on many people I care about and deeply respect. But even more, I felt troubled because even though I had left the church I still felt responsible for what was happening; for the pain that was being caused. 

What is So Wrong with Being Colorblind?

What is So Wrong with Being Colorblind?

And so it is for these reasons that we may not have come so far as we think as a society, and the tight-fisted grasp among whites to the notion of colorblindness must come to an end. It is not, as some originally argued, a means toward an ideal of equality. That is what is wrong with being colorblind.