Rainbow in the Word is Water to a Parched Land

Rainbow in the Word is Water to a Parched Land

What I find so refreshing about Rainbow in the Word: LGBTQ Christians’ Biblical Memoirs, edited by my friend Ellin Sterne Jimmerson isthe personal and theological reflections on Scripture though a collection of writers. LGBTQ people are not only our sisters and brothers in Christ; they are our pastors, teachers, theologians, and prophets. Right now the only viable path forward for the church is to listen and learn. Not to do so only creates more harm. 

Hold the NRA Accountable and Stop the Cycle of Mass gun violence

Hold the NRA Accountable and Stop the Cycle of Mass gun violence

And breaking the chain is what we can do this week. The NRA and Ed Gillespie is counting on this uproar fading by October 10. You and I can ensure that they do not go quietly. Starting today and every day this week, we are going to flood Ed Gillespie with calls and emails demanding that he publicly condemn the NRA for their support of unlimited access to guns and for running this ad in support of his campaign. 

What Congress was Doing While Las Vegas was Dying

What Congress was Doing While Las Vegas was Dying

You know how you can remember exactly where you were and what you were doing when some tragedy happened? I remember what I was doing when I found out about 9-11, when the Space Shuttle Challenger blew up in 1986, when the Columbine shooting happened, etc. Those events and so many more are embedded in my memory and on my psyche. It is truly instructive to see what Congress is up to regarding preventing gun violence when the deadliest act of gun violence in US history occurred.

Why I am Not Standing for the National Anthem

Why I am Not Standing for the National Anthem

I believe the United States has tremendous potential for good and justice and I have seen it in small ways from time to time. But I refuse to pretend that we are living into that potential with our current leadership. The potential and the reality are, once again, irreconcilable for me. And so I will not stand for it literally or figuratively. 

Virgil Brigman is Back on the Air

Virgil Brigman is Back on the Air

Prisons have the power, and tendency, to lock everyone up first and sort it out later. We refer to this as the “ready-fire-aim” approach. They can hold you in segregation up to 15 working days ‘under investigation.’ Once that time expires it takes a week or so to process you back to population. Add in weekends and holidays and you get 30 days in the hole.

Do All Lives Really Matter?

Do All Lives Really Matter?

In recent years “all lives matter” has been heard as a response to “Black Lives Matter.” At best, it’s a deflection that ignores the problem of racism and absolves the speaker of any responsibility. At worst, it’s code for “shut up and get back in your place.” Do all lives really matter? Of course they do. But we still live in world that doesn’t believe it.

3 Mistakes to Avoid in Advocating for the DREAM Act

3 Mistakes to Avoid in Advocating for the DREAM Act

This is an important week as advocacy begins for the DREAM Act, which will give citizenship to undocumented students who came to the United States as children. Below are three mistakes that too many folks made in 2010 and I hope the current advocates will avoid so that we can finally get a first step towards just and humane immigration reform done.

A Response to the Nashville Statement

A Response to the Nashville Statement

They could have gotten together and decided to make a statement decrying voter disenfranchisement, or mass incarceration, or state-sponsored terror directed towards immigrant communities, or government-sponsored attacks on funding public education – but NOOOO! What’s way more important to these people is that gay people are marrying and they have become powerless to stop it.

My Response to Jeffress and His Take on Romans 13

My Response to Jeffress and His Take on Romans 13

Though Jeffress and other evangelical triumphalists want to ascribe unqualified fealty to the state, they repeatedly do a very poor job of exegeting Romans 13. But Jeffress is unfortunately not alone. Jeffress joins a long line of palace prophets throughout history who have used (abused is more like it) Romans 13 to justify oppression, murder, war, and other human rights abuses. 

It is Terrorism

It is Terrorism

It is terrorism, rooted in centuries of internalized belief and externalized violence that white people and a myth of a white nation are inherently superior, and all people who we deem not "white," especially those with black and brown skin, are not fully human, not fully deserving, and not worthy of full empathy. "Both sides" is garbage. Worse, it is dangerous fuel on the fire of white supremacy.

A Lament for My Daughter

By A Loving Mother

Where my daughter have you gone?

I have loved you since before I knew you

Your spirit, your heart, your grace, and your empathy

You are like a bright morning star and the fresh dew on the grass

You believe the world rejected you – it has hurt you and made you afraid


You have protected yourself by building a wall around your heart

You defend your wall with slings and arrows

You are quick to repel and reject - even those who love you

You have hardened your heart


The Evil One has fed your fear and your hurt

He has whispered in your ear schemes and lies

He constantly surrounds you with hate and deceit

He leads you into the wilderness and tells you that you are alone


I wish that you knew that you were a child of God - loved with a passion and   intensity that you cannot fathom

You are not alone in the wilderness – God is with you

God sacrificed His only Son just to be with you

He will never abandon you


I wish that you understood that you are our child and our love knows no bounds

You are not alone in the wilderness – we are there, calling your name

We cover you with love when the world covers you with hate

We long for the day when we are reconciled


Until that time, know that we are there

We will never cease searching for you, praying for you, and loving you

We will be there when your walls come down

Where, my daughter, have you gone?

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