Praying for General Conference

Praying for General Conference

My yearly group is not perfect, but it’s the group I have... and I am thankful that amidst our differences, it helps me continue to realize who the real Jesus is, and how I can faithfully live so that others might experience peace with God, access to all the blessings that God desires for all God’s children, hope that cannot be taken away, and the knowledge of the love of God that has been poured out for us all.

Ralph Goes on a Short Term Mission Trip

Ralph Goes on a Short Term Mission Trip

And Ralph Northam is now saying he wants to use taxpayer money to go on a three year-long short-term mission trip when what he needs is an extended poverty simulation. The problem is you can’t do a poverty simulation when you are the governor. To fully experience the transformation that comes with racial healing he must and foremost give up control and learn; he must shut up and listen.

Something More Than Ousting Northam

Something More Than Ousting Northam

Thus, our calls for Northam should, I believe, be as focused on what he needs to do to address his racism as they are about simply getting him out of the headlines. I want to stress this does not mean Northam should stay in office; I honestly do not believe he should. But I think there is something more than his ousting that liberationists should care about. We should care about his liberation.

Christians are Becoming a Hate Group

Christians are Becoming a Hate Group

In the latest move by this administration’s efforts to “protect” Christians from having to be inclusive in who they serve, HHS has issued an exemption that allows all foster care agencies in South Carolina to disregard an Obama-era regulation barring religious discrimination in federally-funded foster care programs. Essentially, this gives permission to a “Christian” agency called Miracle Hill to discriminate in choosing families to provide loving homes to children in need of adoption or foster care.

Step Aside

Step Aside

Nick Sandmann, in stepping up to Mr. Phillips and refusing to step aside, smirking as his classmates chanted school pep rally cheers, fawned Native American cries, and did “tomahawk chop” motions, reflected what he has been taught to be as an American Christian. American Christianity is based on a hyper-individualized understanding that Jesus died entirely for your sins, making you unique, but not requiring you to be a change agent to your culture, nor to the economic or political status.

The Simple Plan as a Missiological Way Forward for the United Methodist Church

The Simple Plan as a Missiological Way Forward for the United Methodist Church

I begin with this because when we are looking at the various plans that have been put forward for the future of the United Methodist Church as they get ready to meet in February for an emergency General Conference I believe we must first ask of these plans, which of these moves us towards God’s sanctification; a sanctification that is entirely focused on loving others and loving more perfectly. As a decision which I will explain, I believe wholeheartedly that the choice for this General Conference is clear: the delegates to General Conference in 2019 must choose Simple Plan.

The Gift of Sarcasm

The Gift of Sarcasm

Too often we dismiss smart-asses and comics because they seem only able to deconstruct. Even more, we also are so tied to the political, economic, and especially social status quo. We sometimes get our identity from the status quo just as the religious leaders of Jesus’ day did. But we should listen to the smart-ass or the clown who repeatedly makes fun of the current state of affairs because of its inherent unfairness.

Merry Revolutionary Christmas

Merry Revolutionary Christmas

The last thing I know any of us want to think about is the man in the Oval Office (I am trying to not even mention his name anymore if I can help it). But this morning I read Mary’s Magnificat and I could not help but think of this outlaw and oppressive administration. Let me remind us how Mary sang her praise of God, and I will provide some timely interpretation during her song.

The Morning After

The Morning After

So, in moving forward, I want to suggest that our greatest hope in continuing to effectively RESIST donald trump and all that he embodies is not the investigative power of the new Democrat-controlled House. Our hope rests in our ability to build movements for the things I mentioned above that are built among people directly impacted by injustice and groups of people who share the same vision of change.

Wanted: Evangelical Superstars

Wanted: Evangelical Superstars

I am deeply encouraged to see evangelicals leave evangelicalism, but I am now seeing something from some of the evangelicals who are leaving evangelicalism that deeply bothers me. There is something of an expectation among some evangelicals who have left, or who have started to leave evangelicalism who expect to be revered by their newly found liberal or liberationist friends.

Calling Out the Oligarchy

Calling Out the Oligarchy

With this in mind, let’s return to the protests in restaurants and public spaces directed towards public officials. While I again urge these protesters - these brave women and men - to do this nonviolently and to always allow the focus of their protest an out, I also totally understand why their disgust and anger has led them to this kind of protest. The anger comes from leaders who hold absolutely no deference to you or I, the voters.