It's Up to Us

By Bill Mefford

Though his approval ratings have steadily remained below 45% through his time in office the news that the Democratic National Committee is broke and has virtually no infrastructure in important swing states is deeply concerning for everyone interested in replacing the man currently occupying the White House.

You can get pretty down when you read things like:

It was clear in September, when the RNC quadrupled the DNC total that those investments have yet to materialize. September was the best non-election-year month for the RNC in history for either party, raising $27.3 million to the DNC’s $6.9 million. The RNC is carrying no debt; the DNC is carrying $7.2 million. The RNC has $59.2 million cash on hand while the DNC has $8.6 million. The RNC’s 2019 total is $168.7 million while the DNC has raised only $66.5 million this year. 

It is not surprising that the RNC has been able to raise obscene amounts of money – donald trump is the absolute best thing to happen to affluent corporate interests who care nothing for working people who are struggling paycheck to paycheck. I have said many times, this administration opposes labor protections, increasing the minimum wage (much less a livable wage), and it has actively fought against expanding affordable healthcare to those without. This administration is stocked with rich and powerful people and that is who they work for.

So, yes, their fundraising numbers are going to be sky high. But for whatever reason the DNC is essentially broke and has not invested in building a ground game in swing states. Despite the inevitable and much-needed impeachment, things do not look good, but perhaps this is just what those who are passionate about seeing justice for people who have been crushed or dehumanized by this administration need to realize. The change we want to see happen might just be left to us to make happen.

It reminds me of 2014 when the first state-based effort to pass universal background checks by voter referendum happened in Washington State. Expanding universal background checks was thought to be impossible except through legislation in a friendly legislature and under a daring Governor. Voter referendums were simply not considered viable to make this kind of change happen. And to heighten the challenge, the National Rifle Association saw the danger in this campaign and they poured millions of dollars into the state to stop it. They even sponsored a referendum with language meant to confuse voters.

But their strategy did not work. The referendum for universal background checks passed overwhelmingly, 59% to 41%. It wasn’t even close. And do you know why? Because there was more passion from those who wanted sensible gun reform change than those who opposed it. Those in support of universal background checks knocked on more doors, held more discussion groups, invited more neighbors to join them, and in general, just outworked those on the other side. I traveled the state for a week and saw it firsthand. It was beautiful to see.

Sure, it would be nice for the DNC to get its act together, but if there is a choice between passion and money I will choose passion every single time. So, let’s not wait for people in leadership to get their crap together. Let’s knock on doors, invite neighbors to teach-in’s and get organized ourselves. Let’s do this.

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