A Thought on Passing Judgment on Democratic Candidates

By Bill Mefford

I have been debating whether to say something over something I have seen creep up recently, but I am going to weigh in and I can sincerely say I welcome your thoughts.

I honestly think a lot of the criticism of Buttigieg is unfair, not to mention the past criticism of Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Amy Klobuchar. I am not against all of the criticism of Mayor Pete, but I think some of it is a bit over the top. Yes, Mayor Pete is privileged and has some pretty steep learning to do on racism and bias and privilege. That should not be a surprise to anyone, including Mayor Pete. I also think the guy is a learner and if he continues to climb in the polls he will do so. I think he has shown that, as have several candidates, including the ones I named above - all of whom would make amazing presidents by the way (and isn’t that the whole point?). I thought then-Senator Obama was a learner as well at this point in his campaign.

Here is what bugs me. I have read a couple of articles that have good points in them in critiquing Buttigieg, but then the writers make some fairly broad and far-reaching conclusions. Folks have a right to say and write what they want in op-ed’s, and by rule, the more broad-reaching you get the more clicks you are likely to get. But they also should be critiqued if their criticism is not fair and I feel like the criticism of Buttigieg is a bit much and seems focused on getting clicks. I know how that works and I am not sure that is what we need right now.

I also am tiring of the purity tests progressives demand of Democratic politicians. Let’s remember that these people are politicians first and foremost - they are not running to be our pastors or moral coaches. I know I am guilty of this, going after Democratic leaders in the past, though this is different if only because of where we are as a country right now. I do not expect this of others, but for me, I am not going to publicly savage any Democrat running for president. Not this year. This is too important and I do not want to add to any negatives of any viable candidate. I am not doing it. I might have some thoughts from time to time, but I am not bashing anyone. Not doing it. My eyes are on the prize.

But like I said, I am deeply concerned about the purity tests we demand of progressive politicians especially when we excuse away some pretty glaring hypocrisies and faults in religious leaders. Are we really serious that we expect more from Buttigieg than we do from Jim Wallis, William Barber or any number of United Methodist bishops? Sorry, that is complete bullshit. Wallis, Barbor, and UMC bishops have some big moral and ethical problems to address and no one says a damn thing about that, yet we get all pissed cuz we don't like the positions or de-contextualized statements of Democratic candidates from 6 years ago? That's insane.

So, yes, I hope this will be a learning process for Mayor Pete and considering that he called the writer of one of his critical articles and they talked for 20 minutes I am not worried about Buttigieg at all. Not AT ALL. I am not worried about Warren, Harris, Klobuchar or any candidates. Let's focus on winning the White House and then putting donald trump and everyone who tied their boat to him in jail.

And if really want to pass judgment, let it begin with the House of God and let it be coupled with an invitation to repentance and grace.

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