The Christmas Story for Migrants Today

The Christmas Story for Migrants Today

The story of Jesus’ birth still carries a strong message for the United States today; that providing hospitality to those who most need it can being unexpected blessings. It also parallels much of our national context today when the ruling authorities, threatened by the mere presence of Jesus as a baby, crack down with overwhelming power, far beyond what was necessary.

Advent for Those Living Under State-Sponsored Terror, Week 2

Advent for Those Living Under State-Sponsored Terror, Week 2

Advent is the time for followers of Jesus to wait with eager anticipation for the birth of the Messiah. For many of our immigrant sisters and brothers, the hope of Advent exists only in so far as they know that there are many others who stand in solidarity with them advocating for justice.

The Justice We Seek

The Justice We Seek

My approval of the Mueller investigation is that I know the more political space being devoted to these investigations and their immense political fallout means that there is less space being given to codify the harm this administration seems hell bent on causing people. But I also find myself wondering to what end are all of these investigations coming to. Is it faithful, as a follower of Jesus, to hope for significant jail time for trump or the members of his cabinet or campaign team? 

What We are Thankful For

What We are Thankful For

One year ago we, like you I am sure, were still reeling from the image of donald trump in the presidency. And one year in one thing we know is that the reality of him in the Oval Office is far worse than any of us could have ever imagined. But still, in the face of the most horrendous leaders to ever sit in the presidency of this or any other country, I am so thankful that all of us has countered his every step.

Two Missing Words

Two Missing Words

Typically, the role the United States has played in the world, though admittedly without consistency or authenticity most of the time, is to remind nations of their responsibility to uphold human rights. This issue has been raised by all presidents since President Jimmy Carter, who was the first to make it a centerpiece of his foreign policy, until now. As I have watched donald trump on his two major trips abroad there are two words that he has yet to mention: human rights.

ACTION: Save the Adoption Tax Credit

ACTION: Save the Adoption Tax Credit

Right now, the supposedly pro-life, pro-family Republican Congress is considering doing something that will be devastating to future adoptive families. In an effort to save money for massive tax cuts to the wealthy and to corporations, Republicans want to eliminate the Adoption Tax Credit. This is so horrifying and will make adoption virtually impossible for all but the richest of families. 

Thoughts and Prayers: The National Ritual

Thoughts and Prayers: The National Ritual

When faith leaders and faith organizations write out their long church statements and resolutions expressing their grief at more unnecessary deaths, their rightful outrage that this killing continues unabated, and even their call for certain policy changes, these statements and resolutions are simply playing their part in the new national ritual that is the new normal. The killings continue and nothing is changed. 

Lest We Forget

Lest We Forget

I am concerned that because trump's presidency is so immeasurably corrupt, so incredibly incompetent, and that because he is such a soulless and heartless person that we are distorting history. Simply put, we cannot allow trump's utter lack of leadership to blind our hindsight from the tragic mistakes of our past presidents.

A Liberationist's Prayer for Bob Corker & Jeff Flake (and maybe a few United Methodists)

A Liberationist's Prayer for Bob Corker & Jeff Flake (and maybe a few United Methodists)

As I listened to Flake’s speech on the floor of the Senate and saw snippets of Senator Corker who talked to every news crew he could find sounding off about the Liar-in-Chief, I resonated with their newfound sense of freedom. To no longer be bound to defend something (or in their case, someone) they no longer believe in, provides a sense of freedom that is almost intoxicating. Liberation from systems that bind us, that stifle innovation, and that force conformation to impersonal and institutional expectations is like oxygen to someone who is drowning.

Safeguarding the Institution from Revolution

Safeguarding the Institution from Revolution

We are writing because we see great promise in you and in your passion, though misplaced it might currently be. You seem to have a connection among those people directly impacted by injustice that those of us serving the Institution fail to have. We may have even once felt something similar to that passion, though we have seen the need to contain that passion and direct it for the good of the Institution; for from our Institution we derive purpose and identity.

Rainbow in the Word is Water to a Parched Land

Rainbow in the Word is Water to a Parched Land

What I find so refreshing about Rainbow in the Word: LGBTQ Christians’ Biblical Memoirs, edited by my friend Ellin Sterne Jimmerson isthe personal and theological reflections on Scripture though a collection of writers. LGBTQ people are not only our sisters and brothers in Christ; they are our pastors, teachers, theologians, and prophets. Right now the only viable path forward for the church is to listen and learn. Not to do so only creates more harm.